Danube Bike Path (Donauradweg)

Danube Canal, Vienna. (Open Map)


A bike trail running along the Danube River

Danube Bike Path (Donauradweg) runs from the source of the Danube in Donauschingen to its end at the Black Sea, a total of 2875km long. It passes through 9 European countries, mostly along one side or the other of the Danube. This affords the cyclists scenic river crossings at several points.

A rider on the Danube Bike Path (Donauradweg) will see nature reserves, famous towns and monasteries as well as artistic and architectural buildings. Smooth stretches will be enjoyed and mountainous terrain endured. While riding along high water dams there are spectacular views. The Austrian part of this route follows the R1 Danube route and the R6 Danube route.